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Shin-ri Sacred Place: A Resounding Testament to Korea's Catholic Heritage (신리성지)

by K culture information 2023. 6. 5.

Explore South Korea's Shin-ri Sacred Place, the cradle of local Catholic heritage. Discover where St. Daveluy enriched faith through translations and historical compilations. Learn about Shin-ri's role as a sanctuary during persecution and its vital strategic significance. Immerse in a journey through faith, history, and resilience.



Shin-ri Sacred Place: The Hub of South Korea's Catholic Heritage

Journey through South Korea's picturesque landscapes, brimming with an array of cultural gems that echo the country's rich history and heritage. In this enchanting mosaic, Shin-ri Sacred Place takes center stage, marking a crucial juncture in South Korea's Catholic heritage. The 5th bishop of the Joseon diocese, St. Daveluy, resided here, turning this site into a beacon of religious resilience from 1845 until his martyrdom in 1866. Step into the humble abode of St. Thomas Son Ja-seon, where St. Daveluy and St. Luke Hwang Seok-doo embarked on a pivotal mission: translating Catholic texts into Korean. Their scholarly pursuits enhanced the understanding of faith among Korean Catholics, strengthening the bonds between the community and their religion.





From Preservation to Evangelization: The Multifaceted Role of Shin-ri

The significance of Shin-ri Sacred Place transcends the bounds of a simple residence. St. Daveluy also took on the monumental task of compiling historical documents about the Joseon Catholic Church and Korean martyrs. His efforts bore fruit in "L'Histoire de l'Église de Corée" (The History of the Korean Catholic Church), contributing to the canonization of 103 saints. Furthermore, during a time of religious persecution, Shin-ri Sacred Place evolved into the "Korean Catacomb," the largest Catholic sanctuary in Korea. Providing shelter to foreign missionaries, this site played a critical role in the evangelization of Korea.



The Strategic Significance of Shin-ri and its Spiritual Legacy

The strategic location of Shin-ri, aided by the efficient water system of Sap-gyo-cheon and the welcoming culture of the Naepo province, allowed for significant interactions with the "Paris Foreign Mission Society" in China. These connections were key to the survival and growth of the local Catholic community during turbulent times. A visit to Shin-ri Sacred Place invites you to stroll down serene lanes and soak in an atmosphere rich in faith and history. It's a journey through time that paints a vivid picture of human resilience and unwavering belief, etching an unforgettable part of Korea's Catholic history into your memory. Each corner of South Korea, much like the Shin-ri Sacred Place, tells a unique story, offering a mesmerizing depiction of its rich history and heritage.




